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Für Kalifornien werden derzeit jedes Jahr über 3000 hitzebedingte Erkrankungen (HRI – Health-Related Illnesses) gemeldet. Die Anzahl dieser Meldungen wird wahrscheinlich unterschätzt, steigt aber seit den 2000er Jahren an (Heinzerling et al. 2020).

Weiterführende Informationen

Acharya P, Boggess B, Zhang K: Assessing heat stress and health among construction workers in a changing climate: A review. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2018; 15: 247.

Beniston M, Stephenson DB, Christensen OB, Ferro CAT, Frei C, Goyette S et al.: Future extreme events in european climate: An exploration of regional climate model projections. Climatic Change 2007; 81: 71–95.

Heinzerling A, Laws RL, Frederick M, Jackson R, Windham G, Materna B et al.: Risk factors for occupational heat-related illness among california workers, 2000-2017. Am J Indust Med 2020; 63: 1145–1154.

Marinaccio A, Scortichini M, Gariazzo C, Leva A, Bonafede M, de'Donato FK et al.: Nationwide epidemiological study for estimating the effect of extreme outdoor temperature on occupational injuries in italy. Environ Int 2019; 133: 105176.

Martínez-Solanas È, López-Ruiz M, Wellenius GA, Gasparrini A, Sunyer J, Benavides FG et al.: Evaluation of the impact of ambient temperatures on occupational injuries in Spain. Environ Health Perspect 2018; 126: 067002.