Aim: In 2009, a total of 3,385 notifiable cases
of accidents due to stumbling, falling and
slipping in the nursing sector were reported
to the Institution for Statutory Accident Insurance
and Prevention in the Health and Welfare
Services (BGW) in Germany. Along with
various other causes, the wearing of unsuitable
shoes plays an important role. In 2008
the BGW’s specialist group “Back” published
on its website a leaflet with recommendations
as to the right shoes for nurses and carers
to wear. The recommendations are based on
the BGR 191 regulation and on practical experience
of the accident prevention service.
The aim of the present study was to determine
the requirements which must be fulfilled
by shoes suitable for nursing staff.
Method: A literature search was carried out
using a variety of search words and their
combinations. The study results and scientific
analysis of different shoe parameters
were collated. In view of the limited amount
of data available, expert reports were included
in the debate together with systematic
reviews and controlled studies.
Result: Statements were found for every part
of a shoe. They served to evaluate the shoes
that nursing staff wear frequently and enjoy
wearing – shoes such as rubber or cork sandals
and shoes with a rounded sole and reduced
floor contact. Assessments were also
made of manufacturers’ statements on footbeds
or damping systems. The study findings
were used to formulate what is required of a
suitable work shoe for nurses. These requirements
can be taken into consideration at the
occupational health surgery or during consultations
with other occupational health and
safety experts.
Conclusion: Shoes that fulfil the requirements
of a proper work shoe for nursing work are
available both as work shoes and as sport
and leisure footwear. Nursing staff have a
wide range of footwear from which to choose
their work shoes.