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10 Jahre arbeitsmedizinische Erfahrungen mit berufsspezifischer Rehabilitation für Klein- und Mittelbetriebe

The programme RehaBau was agreed and developed more than 10 years ago by the medical department of a builders’ liability insurance association, a rehabilitation clinic and a state insurance institution (LVA). Occupational physicians are involved in the development and testing of the job-specific part of the programme and in the acquisition of job-specific data for physical strain.
The admission of employees at a very early stage of symptom development requires motivation of the employees themselves and of their employers by a kind of health management appropriate for the mainly small sizes of the firms in this sector.
The results of RehaBau have been examined in two studies. They demonstrate in particular reductions in pain and an optimistic approach to the requirements of the job. At the same time, RehaBau increases the role of occupational medical care. The incorporation of the targets of RehaBau into the networks of trade structures as a form of health management is another aim of the development and extension of the programme as it attempts to solve the problems associated with demographic change.